Sources & Persons

This "searchable database" is a directory about African-American history in New Hampshire. The database has demographic information for people of interest.

Add a Source (citation)

Historical research is often based on records that exist somewhere. So each Name, Event or Detail can have a "Source" of data. One Source can have information about several people. The life history of one Person might come from several Sources.

Source citations are strongly encouraged, but not absolutely required.
  = They follow rules and conventions that are customary for a published bibliography.
  = Look at the list of existing Sources to get a sense of the style.
  = To see our current Sources, click "List all Sources" on the Main (Welcome) page.

In the database, each Source has an identifying Code.
  = The Code is often a few letters of the author's/editor's name and the year of publication.
  = When you enter a new Source Code, make sure it is not a duplicate.
  = Make a note of the Code, so you will be able to re-enter it later for Person data.

Each Source has a "type" that may be:

Source type Such as...
Vital record (birth, death, marriage, ...)
Bill of lading
Cemetery record
Church record (baptism, marriage, ...)
City directory
Court record (civil, criminal)
Deed (land and property)
Letter / Diary
Miltary record
Newspaper (article)
Passenger list
Probate record
School record
Tax record
Town directory
Book / Journal (secondary source)

... or more.

Add a Person (names)

The primary record in this database is a Person. To see them, click "List all Persons" on the Main (Welcome) page. For more about finding Persons, see the Help page about Searching.

Each Person can have one or more names.

We identify a Person with a "Context Name" and a "Person Name" taken together. Each name can be one word, two words, or a short phrase.

Any Search "By Name of Person" looks through all these fields (Context, Person, and Alias).

There is also an optional "Remark" field, to help identify unnamed or same-name people.
  = This is not a complete description, and this "Remark" field is not searchable later.

Of course, the data for one Person may come from more than one Source. When that happens, just edit the record and enter another Source Code on the "Source(s)" line for that Person.
  = Do not create a duplicate record for the Person!