Add/Edit Data

This "searchable database" is a directory about African-American history in New Hampshire. The database has demographic information for people of interest.

Entering records

In general, we enter data like this:

  1. Find or add a Source;
  2. Select or add a Person;
    Before adding a Person, please search!
    Is that Person already in the database?
  3. Select or add an Event in that Person's life;
  4. Add or edit a Detail for that Event.
  5. Repeat as needed.

Are you unsure how to Find a Source or Find a Person? See the Help page for Searching.

Are you new to the database? Please keep reading. Otherwise, see the Help topics above.

Removing a record

If, for some reason, any entry must be deleted, please submit a request via the [Contact] form.

Register and Login

To add or update records in the database, you must register with the BHT-NH Research Division.

To apply, click Register on the Main (Welcome) page, and submit the form. We will reply by email. Registration is not automatic, and it may take a little while. Our reply will not contain any links or attachments.

To make changes in the database, login first. Enter your unique passcode under "Research" on the Main (Welcome) page, and click [Go]. When you return to the Main page, proceed with data entry. When you are done, please logout.

If you forget your passcode, please submit the registration form again.

Let's talk

Please suggest improvements to the database by using the [Contact] form. Here are some things that we're already thinking about:
